Exorcist Blues

(Chocolate Monk - choc.585) CDR $8.00

An invitation to take a deep dive into the intergalactic mycelial network of Teonanacatl — the sacrament of Teotl — the totality, the pulsing, undulating wave of Time ~ Space ~ Becoming ~ Unbecoming. The two a cappella vocal songs were received by ancestors while wearing an upside down trash can mask in rural Scandinavia. The more electro-acoustic pieces do their best to replicate some of the various sounds received during the Ceremony of the Deified Heart in which one BECOMES the feathered serpent Quetzalcoatl. Sacred mushrooms optional. Edition of 60


I See Beyond The Black Sun

(K) Used LP $3.00 (Out-of-stock)

This record from 2008 is less the apocalyptic doom of his ramshackle post-punk group Old Time Relijun, and more of a raga influenced anthropological meditation.