(Tedium House - BF10) Magazine + CD $11.00 (Out-of-stock)
With David Tholfsen (two stories told with shadow-puppets by the creative force and vocalist of U.S. Saucer), Melt Banana (interview with Tokyo’s amped-up grandchildren of Gertrude Stein), William Hooker (New York jazz percussion veteran tries to shed light on something -- don’t know what it was, but whatever, okay? -- as Ian Christe smiles politely), Couch (Scott Derr moderates a roundtable discussion with the Bulb Records flagship band, a trio whose numerous “issues” they will not or cannot discuss; includes a tour diary by Jodie McCann of Duotron), Prick Decay (incestuous brother-and-sister duo from Scotland reveal more than all), Alexander Ross (selected writings and drawings by New York artist), Vagtazo Halottkemek (Bruce Russell interviews Attila Grandpierre, world-class astrophysicist and leader of this band of Hungarian shamen; includes excerpts from Grandpierre’s Punk as a Rebirth of Shamanist Folk Music [The Magic Forces of Art at Work]), Macronympha (show-stopping interview with Joe Roemer and Rodger Stella, who discuss their prodigious drug intake, close encounters with transsexuals, mice-eating, terminally ill relatives, the Pope’s big pussy and baboon heart, and numerous other gut-churning topics), and Emil Beaulieau (creepy hate mail to the two-time mayor of Manchester, New Hampshire, and American’s favorite noisician).
(Tedium House - BF13) Magazine + CD $11.00
With Diesel Guitar (Japanese droneur interviewed by Satoru Higashiseto), Ilhan Mimaroglu (Columbia–Princeton post-pioneer and electronic composer interviewed by Scott Foust, with selected excerpts from Mimaroglu’s unpublished autobiography), Le Dernier Cri (French publishers of silkscreened comix and outsider art books, filmmakers, animators, interviewed by Eva Revox), Nautical Almanac (electronic-noise duo who traffic in improvised electronics created with homemade, hotwired and otherwise corrupted gear), Solid Eye (Los Angeles free-music kingpins and improv sound collagists, interviewed by Don Bolles), Universal Indians (Patrick Marley interviews this free-electronics trio from Michigan led by John Olson, who also designs and fabricates the hand-assembled packaging of his own prolific American Tapes label), Angst Hase Pfeffer Nase (free-electronics talk with CCC and fiction by Alesandro Moreshi III), William Winant (interview with the hardest working percussionist in new music, and principle architect behind Sonic Youth’s Goodbye 20th Century), irr. app. (ext.) (surreal autobiographical data, excerpts from the Errata in Excelsus newsletter, and Bosch-like illustrations by electronic deep theorist M.S. (H.) V. Waldron), A.Z. (Dante-esque comics by this former Scissor Girl and Bride of No No leader), Witcyst (collages and an interview, apparently, with beloved New Zealand noise freak), and Nigel Bunn (New Zealand filmmaker, animator, and electricity demon gives Barbara Manning a guided tour of his gadgetry wonderland).
(Tedium House - BF14) Magazine + CD $11.00
With Keiti Ota (prominent Japanese illustrator with a deliciously noir-ish nightmare vibe interviewed by Ukawa Naohiro), Trey Spruance (over-the-top cultural paranoia tracts and denunciations by this member of Mr. Bungle and Secret Chiefs 3), Peg Murray (Cooks ’n’ Chefs ’n’ Their Assistants comix by U.S. Saucer bassist), John Wiese (interview with type designer, member of Bastard Noise, solo noise artist, and curator of Helicopter’s MoonLanding seven-inch series), James Goode (interview with San Francisco-based Mills College postgrad, and a short essay on “phylogenetic music,” excerpted from his Mills thesis), Reynols (photo-autobiography by celebrated Argentinean oddballs who have collaborated with Pauline Oliveros, released recordings of blank tapes and 10,000 chickens, and splashed around the limited edition noise CDR cesspool), Panicsville (hostile interview by Tina Gladden with this Midwest noise artist, raconteur, sculptor whose chosen medium is roadkill sealed in clear plastic, cartoonist with a unique quasi-kaleidoscopic style, and designer of handmade CD jackets for the Nihilist label), Vote Robot (Canadian duo with hotwired reel-to-reel decks and an uncanny knack for creating erotic electro-lullabyes), Polar Goldie Cats (Los Angeles-based instrumental quartet interviewed by Carla Bozulich and Nels Cline), Jazzfinger (English low-decibel noise duo with a strong cinematic sensibility, interviewed by Neil Campbell), and Octavian Nemescu (translation of an essay by Romanian “new complexity” composer [contemporary of Dumitrescu and Anatol Vieru, known for heavily layered, polystructural works for various instrumental combination and tape], calling for a return to conceiving of music as an initiative, participatory event made of “energy ladders").
(Tedium House - BF15) Magazine + CD $0.01
DAMIAN BISCIGLIA, RIP. With Christine Shields (interview with the artist behind the surreal, dreamlike Blue Hole comic book, banjo-player for the Appalachia-influenced Grouse Mountain Skyride [also featuring Dame Darcy and Ian Christe] and Shady Creek Girls), Mal Sharpe (interview with author, jazz musician, and Man-on-the-Street interviewer most well known as half of much loved ’60s prankster duo Coyle and Sharpe), Ana-Maria Avram (translation of an interview by Costin Cazaban with Romanian acousmatic composer and Editions Modern recording artist whose uncompromising, demanding music gives heavyweights like Dumitrescu and Fernando Grillo a run for the money), Volcano the Bear (interview by Neil Campbell with this mind-expanding UK surrealist quartet whose music straddles “a strange, ambiguous line between comforting and terrifying … executed in such a manner that is purely hypnotic”), mad-cow.org (Brandan Kearny interviews Dr. Thomas Pringle, webmaster of this project of the Sperling Biomedical Foundation containing thousands of articles on mad cow and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, prions, bovine spongiform encephalopathy, scrapie, and numerous other crimes against nature that’ll drive us all to veganism), John Crouse (guest editorial and another previously unpublished text by this inspirational author, whose writing his publisher describes as “a non-stop torque conflating the distinctions of sky, people, forest, political costume store; a torque which enhances the writing’s own motions, nightmare, images in forward gear only as: 'historically: (actively) voiding reverse gear.… He makes his own vocabulary rushing forward at full tilt, the 'camel of wow'.' "), Rats With Wings (freeform essay and images by Australian noise artist Bill Burston), Volvox (interview with two members of this Australian band whose leader was brain-injured and comatose after a fall through a skylight; includes a chapter from his book Betrayed by the Senses), and Agog (interview with noise artist Damian Bisciglia who incorporates collage, improvisation, contact-mic-as-instrument and sources such as multitracked loops, shells, balloons, metal heater, springs, matchbox car; includes photos of his nightmarish creatures sculpted from various found materials, and Rohrshach-like comments and descriptions).
(Tedium House - BF16) Magazine + CD $11.00 (Out-of-stock)
With Oren Ambarchi (Bill Burston interviews the founder of the Australian Noise Users’ Society, who has made ultrarefined space-station scree with AMM’s Keith Rowe, Sachiko M, Otomo Yoshihide, out-of-control spazzassins Phlegm, The Menstruation Sisters, Robbie Avenaim, et al.), Leif Elggren (interview with Swedish electroacoustic musician, letter-writing prankster, dream theorist, national monarch of Elgaland-Vargaland, and conceptual artist whose work ranges from oblique performances to near-static installations), Robert Dayton (Earl Kuck interviews one of Canada’s most notorious extroverts [imagine Nardwuar as a real human being] about comics and diaries in the self-published Bunyon and his hilarious karaoke duo Canned Hamm), Jason Kahn (interview with quiet percussionist in which onkyo is debunked, and his electronic duo with Toshi Nakamura is discussed, as well as work with Arnold Dreyblatt, Universal Congress Of, and Sainkho Namtchylak), Parmentier (Dylan Nyoukis interviews hyper-relaxed New Zealand expats Rosy Parlane and Dion Workman about their bi-continental “work” as psychotropic electronic musicians; includes sidebar by Marcel Bear about a Parmentier-induced out-of-body experience), Halim El-Dabh (selected excerpts from Denise Seachrist’s biography of the Egyptian-born composer whose pioneering musique concrète predates that of Pierre Schaeffer, and is also noteworthy for an unusual Native American musical influence), Paul Winstanley (another New Zealander interviewed by Dylan Nyoukis, about his time in Texas performing electroacoustic improv/noise with Dave Dove Paul Duo, crashing Lone Star bohemian enclaves, and cruising with Pauline Oliveros’s mother), Lateral Agriculture Order (overview of mysterious, acronym-damaged Italian organization, including discography, particulars about performances, roster of artists (eighty different ones!) and other inexplicabilia).
(Tedium House - BF17) Magazine + CD $11.00 (Out-of-stock)
With Jason McLean (Canadian cartoonist talks with Robert Dayton about his hallucinatory style and techniques, and the effect on his work of education, interior decoration, comics, Fluxus and other abstruse art movements, and mental illness), Hetty Maclise (Angus’s wife and collaborator recounts how they met, her art editorship at The Oracle in the ’60s, homeopathic uses of LSD, and her life as an artist in Spain, Morocco, Mexico, San Francisco, and New York), Lara Allen (the exploits of a high school bad girl and the deprogramming subsequently inflicted upon her, problematic theatrical experiences, her series of consistently eerie paintings of old family photos, acting, and filmmaking), Jazzkammer (Lasse Marhaug chats with David Cotner about mainstream Hollywood flicks, cult films, the Nordic singles scene (both 45s and dating), Norwegian culture, Viking blood, and communication through music and abstract sound with John Hegre, Tore Bøe, Del, and Origami Republika), Astro (Hiroshi Hasegawa instructs Dylan Nyoukis in the ways of reaching “final paradise” and achieving “freedom from everything” via Moog synthesizer, field recordings and computers; he also discusses soundtrack work, collaborations with a who’s who of Japanese space noise huffers, and the shocking truth about C.C.C.C.), The Towne Dandies (Geoff Ellsworth’s homemade, props-heavy musical theater, the history of the band, paying the rent (which can involve processing ham), life under a microscope in a small town, and fledging jingle-writing venture Barefoot Hockey Goalie), Paul Dutton (Canadian soundsinger and author talks about his work with ’70s sound poets The Four Horsemen and free improv trio CCMC, literary efforts and visual poems, the nature of expression through sound, and various giants in the gibberish tradition, from Schwitters and the dadaists through Bob Cobbing), and Carla Bozulich (her Sound.-produced event at the Schindler House, self-described as “new music dressed up like a party meets a social event disguised as art,” reimagined as comics).
(Tedium House - BF18) Magazine + CD $11.00 (Out-of-stock)
With Nelson Gastaldi (lost and overlooked Argentinean psycho-spatial composer found and restored by South America’s premier avant sideshow barkers Reynols; topics include pure sound, ethnomusicology, paranormal occurences), Burning Star Core (autodidact C. Spencer Yeh tracks his development from adolescent pyromaniac to violin/electronics/voice iconoclast, with sidetrips as a writer of unreadable fiction, painter, documentarian, Cincinnati gallery brat, and live venue doyen), Joe Colley (easily fixated Crawl Unit noise mumbler issues subdued proclamations on field recordings, arcane electronic gadgets, public invisibility, charalatans and quacks), Monotract (Dylan Nyoukis gets schooled in Big Apple wisdom by this group of beach-blanket acidheads and New York City improv tour guides), David Lester (Mecca Normal guitarist’s surreal, interdisciplinary comics that combine choreography, quasi-clip art, collage, painting, text and typography), and Jim Leftwich (texts, images, collages and other hors de guerre by experimental writer, visual poet, xtant editor and Juxta publisher).
Real Tales of Doom, Shame, and Degradation
(Tedium House) Comic book $20.00
Comics from 1992 by Matt Hall, John Frentress, James Dillon, Christine Shields, P.A. Musso, Gary LEib and Daniel Clowes, Montana Swisher, Dame Darcy, Dick Sincere, Fred Rinne, The White Shark, S. Fisk, Conrad Capistran, Brandon Kearney, Harvey Bennet Staffod, Rougeux, B. Hageman, Parika Princess and Li’l Jerky, Mojgan Azima. Includes shirt scrap with dried corned beef hash vomit stain. 44pp