
(Killertree - KTR14) LP $15.00 (Out-of-stock)

Bona fide math genius Elijah Bodish totally gets the theories linking cubism to geometry, while his brother Holt subsists on frozen pizzas and has this '66 Sunset Strip look any droog would knife for. Together they churn like devil-don't-care Swell Maps on Benadryl, Neil Young bootlegs (strung-out era) and The Fall, fresh out of a woodpile. Recorded in an abandoned YMCA bathroom with high ceilings, their LP is abrasive, crude and bombastic -- a serious lo-fi crusher that mixes a still-unheralded genre (rural punk rock) with muddy, Mansonesque flower-power. And not a whiff of shitty ol' irony anywhere. Because the brothers were born at Dead shows (1989 and 1992 tours, respectively), it's only appropriate that the silkscreened jackets are printed with glow-in-the-dark ink.